Sunday 16 March 2014

HTML 5 page layout enhancement

New Input type

HTML 5 provides some handy input types and it can save the developer lots of time and efforts.You may find the detailed input types here
but be aware the new HTML feartures may not be fully supported by individual browsers. Use it carefully when design your pages.

Here are a summary:
  • color:                                  user to choose the color
  • date/time/datetime/datetime-local       user to choose the date and time
  • email                                   contain an e-mail address.
  • week/month                              choose week or month of the year
  • number                                  input a number
  • range                                   an number from a specific range
  • search                                  input a search text
  • tel                                     an telephone number
  • url                                     a URL address.

A HTML page should usually organised as below

Header tags can be used any where of the HTML body. You can user id attribute to refer to it.
It can be used mutliple times.

Nav tag is used for navigation section. It is recommanded to use one nav tag in the whole page.
Usually the tag is combined with ul (unordered list)

Section tag is used for different sections. eg, in a main page, we may have sports, news, games sections.

Article tag is used for any specific articles.

Aside tag is used for some content aside from the content it is placed in.

Footer tag is used for footer but it can be in wholepage, section, article

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