Saturday 15 March 2014

Git tab management

Git provides a snapshot function called tag. usually tag is used to refer to some milestone version.

Make a tag

#git tab –a tagname –m “comment”
eg: #git tag –a V1.0 –m “this is the version 1.0”
make an tag for previous commit
#git tab –a tagname –m “comment” [commit id]

Show how many tags in the current branch

#show tag

Delete the tag

#git tag –d tagname
If you want to delete the tag in Git server (eg github), we need to push it to remote server
#git push origin :refs/tags/[tagname]

Checkout the tag

Same as checkout the branch
#git checkout tagname

Push the tage to remote Git server

Push one tag
#git push origin gitname
Push all tags

#git push origin --tags 

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