Dictionary is a very important build-in
data structure in Python. It is an order-less key-value data store.
Dictionary creation
Dictionary can be created by assignment as
mydict = { ‘key1’ :’value1’ ,
‘key2’ :’value2’ ,’key3’ :’value3’ }
key and value are separated by : , key-value pairs are separated by ;
dictionary can also be created vi
mydict = { id:str(id) for id in xrange(10)}
Note, dictionary is order-less, we can’t
assume it is stored by some order, in fact, it is stored by key’s hash value.
Dictionary access
Dictionary’s value can be access by it’s
key as
Value ---- mydict[key].
But if the key is
not in the dictionary, it will generate an Exception.
Dictionary’s value can be reset by
mydict[key]=value, if key is not in the
dictionary, it will create an new entry for it.
Dictionary element delete
The key-value pair can be deleted as
Dictionary’s key-value pair can be traversed
by for in statement
for key in mydict:
it can be also traversed by items()
function which will return the key-value list.
for (key,value) in mydict.items():
key, value
the traversal of dictionary can also be
achived by iteritems(), iterkeys(), itervalues(), they are the iterators.
Some other common functions for dictionary
keys() and values()
the function will return a list of keys and
values. Note the order can’t be assumed.
When you access the dictionary by
mydict[key], if the key is not in the dictionary, it will raise exception, a
safer way is to use
It will return the value of the key or
default if key not existing
the dictionary can update by another
if mydict2’ s key in mydict1, mydict1’ s value will be replace by mydict2
if mydict2’ s key not in mydict1, mydict1’ s key-value pair will be inserted.
Dictionary’s copy
There are two types of copy
- Shallow copy: it will copy by reference or pointer
- Deep copy: it will copy the exact value
In other words, when you do shallow copy
from a to b, when you changed the value in a, b’s value may be changed as well,
but if it is a deep copy, the value won’t be impacted.
import copy
mydict = {‘a’:[1,2,3,4]}
shallowdict = copy.copy(mydict)
deepdict = copy.deepcopy(mydict)
shallowdict now is {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
deepdict now is {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
deepdict['a'][0]=0 --- set the deep copy dictionary value
now is {'a': [0, 2, 3, 4]}
not changed {'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
shallowdict['a'][0]=0 -- set the shallow copy dictionary value
changed {'a': [0, 2, 3, 4]}
Sort the dictionary
We may sort the dictionary by sort and
#Sort by key
sort(dict.items(), key=lambda d:d[0])
#Sort by value
sort(dict.items(), key=lambda d:d[1])
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