MySQL Architecture
It is very import to understand the MySQL architecture. MySQL Architecture can be shown as below:
key components
Connector: that is usually on the client side. That is
the SQL/database driver. For example, the JDBC driver for mysql privides an
interface between JAVA program and the database SQL operations.
Management Service
and utilities: the tools used by DBA to control the database , HA and improve
the performance.
Connection pool: this component is to manage the connections
from multiple clients, dispatching the requests and response.
SQL Interface: it
accepts the SQL from the client and returns the results.
Parser: it analyses the SQL language and make a special
data structure (SQL tree). The parser is a long script written by Lex and YACC.
Optimizer: the
SQL will be optimised before execution by the is done by ‘select-cast-join’
Cache/Buffer: the
cached results for SQL query, stored in memory for next time usage.
Storage Engine: the interface to file system. MySQL
storage engineer is pluggable. There are quite a few engine available.
File system: the
OS file system to provide persistent storage for MySQL engine.
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