1. connect to memcached
memcached even does not provide any client tool, we can use telnet client to connect to the Memcached database.[root@X001 ~]# telnet localhost 11211 Trying ::1... Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'.
2. set
set command is used to set key-value pair to the memcached<command name> <key> <flags> <exptime> <bytes> <data block>
<command > | set |
<key> | key |
<flags> | integer, used by client as additional field |
<exptime> | keep alive time (seconds), use 0 for never expired |
<bytes> | bytes |
<data block> | value |
for example:
set a 999 0 2
3. add and replace
Set will replace the previous value if the key exist, if you don't want the old value to be overwritten, you can use 'add' instead. if the key is there, it will give out a 'not_stored' warning message.
add a 999 0 2
If you just wants to update the value, you can use 'replace' to set the value, if the key is not in memcached, it will give out a 'not_stored' warning message.
replace b 99 0 2 44 STORED
4. get and gets
get will return the value of a key while gets will add a version. both of them support get multiple values at a time.
for example:
get b
VALUE b 88 2
gets b
VALUE b 88 2 7 # version number
gets a b #get a and b
VALUE a 888 2 4
VALUE b 88 2 7
5. delete and flush_all
delete command will delete the value by key. flush_all will just flush the all key-value data.
delete a noreply
get a
delete b
stats command give the admin the running status for the memcached process
stats STAT pid 1729 STAT uptime 5865 STAT time 1401159261 STAT version 1.4.4 STAT pointer_size 64 STAT rusage_user 1.018845 STAT rusage_system 1.179820 STAT curr_connections 10 STAT total_connections 11 STAT connection_structures 11 STAT cmd_get 18 STAT cmd_set 14 STAT cmd_flush 2 STAT get_hits 13 STAT get_misses 5 STAT delete_misses 0 STAT delete_hits 2 STAT incr_misses 0 STAT incr_hits 0 STAT decr_misses 0 STAT decr_hits 0 STAT cas_misses 0 STAT cas_hits 0 STAT cas_badval 0 STAT auth_cmds 0 STAT auth_errors 0 STAT bytes_read 503 STAT bytes_written 1432 STAT limit_maxbytes 67108864 STAT accepting_conns 1 STAT listen_disabled_num 0 STAT threads 4 STAT conn_yields 0 STAT bytes 0 STAT curr_items 0 STAT total_items 9 STAT evictions 0
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