1. User simple line input:
Text input is very common for single-line input, below is a
simple input html segment with some attributes
<input type="text" id="username"
name="username" a/>
2. Text Area input:
Sometimes you need to input some long text
message into the system and a single line is not enough.
Now you may need ‘Text Area Input’:
3. Submit button:
When user finished the inputs, he may want the information
to be submitted to the server for data store or verification.
Submit button is another type of input
<input type='submit' value="login"
Usually it should be working with ‘form’
<form id="loginForm" name="loginForm"
method="get" action="new.html">
Method is the http method and action is the target url
4. password
when you want to hide the password to be displayed on the
screen, you may want the input type set as ‘passsword’
<input type="password" id="password"
name="password" a/>
The user input will not be displayed as plain text.
But the information still shows in address bar when using a
get method.
5. Checkbox
Check box is used for multiple choose
option, user can choose more than one options if they like
For example
<input type="checkbox"
name="colorselection" id="colorselection"
value="blue" checked /> <span> blue
<input type="checkbox"
value="red" /> <span> red </span>
<input type="checkbox"
value="yellow" /> <span> yellow
<input type="checkbox"
value="green" /> <span> green
6. Radio
compared with checkbox button, users may only allow to choose only one option from the list, then radio or droplist (introduced next section)<input type="radio" name="rememberme" id="rememberme" value="no" />
<span> no </span>
<select name="colorselector" style="width:100%">
<option id="optionAL" value="AL" selected>Alabama</option>
<option id="optionAK" value="AK" selected>Alaska</option>
<option id="optionAZ" value="AZ" selected>Arizona</option>
7. DropDownList
last one we want to talk about is the dropdownlist
dropdown list a different from the above user input options
using <input> tag, it is using <select> tag
as below:
<select name="colorselector" style="width:100%">
<option id="optionAL" value="AL" selected>Alabama</option>
<option id="optionAK" value="AK" selected>Alaska</option>
<option id="optionAZ" value="AZ" selected>Arizona</option>
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