Wednesday 12 March 2014

Exception and Error Handling in Python

Exception handling in Python

Exception happens when procedure execution hits an unexpected condition. Bellows are some common samples:

  • Visit the index beyond the len of list/tuple
  • Referring an non-existing variable
  • Convert an inappropriate type
  • Mixing data types without appropriate coercion

Traditional ways we handle the exception:

  • Keep silent, substitute a default value and continuous (not good. caller not aware)
  • Return an ‘error’ value (not perfect. caller has to deal with the return code)
  • Stop execution and siginal error condition (raise an exception)

common errors

Here are the common errors we will see in Python programing

  • SyntaxError: Python can’t parse program
  • NameError: local or global name not found
  • AttributeError: attribute reference fails
  • TypeError: operand doesn’t have correct type
  • ValueError: operand type okay, but value is illegal
  • IOError: IO system reports malfunction (e.g. file not found)

Python Exception handling block:

    # main program which may cause exception
    except “exception type1”, “exception value 1”:
        exception handle block 1
    except “exception type2”, “exception value 2”:
        exception handle block 2
    … …
    except “exception typen”, “exception value n”:
        exception handle block n
        #program block if none of the exceptions are raised
        #the block which will be executed no matter if there is any exception.

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