Tuesday 7 January 2014

SHELL - Variables

SHELL/Bash pre-defined variables

There are quite a few predefined variables in BASH/Shell. These variables can be viewed by the command ‘env’ or ‘set’. Among them, there are quite a few variables we need to understand well.

  • $HOME: home directory
  • $PWD: the current path
  • $SHELL: The shell which you are using
  • $UID: the UID
  • $LOGIN: the login name for the current user
  • $HOSTNAME: the hostname of the server

There are some tricky variables we need to understand as well.

  • $$: the current PID
  • $#: the parameters number
  • $*: all the parameters
  • $!:  the last run background PID
  • $?:  the exit code for the last command
  • $_: the final argument of previous command executed.

Set variables in BASH

Usually it is suggested using all capitalized letters by convention.
To set an variable in bash, just simple use =
eg:     go=’this’                                   #it will set a variable called go, let it equals ‘this’
alternatively, you can use declare command to set an variable.
eg:    declare go=’that’                   #it will set a variable called go, let it equals ‘that’

to use the variable, you can use $variable name or ${variable}otherletters
eg:    echo ${go}inthemiddle

to delete the variable. You can use unset command. But not applied for readonly variables.
eg: unset $go

Set a value to variable

There are a few ways of change the variables.
        1. read V1 V2 V3
            read from standard input
        2. VARIABLE=`command`
            Set the variable equal to the command ‘s output.

3. Also for the BASH script we can get the parameters from the command line parameters using $1 $2 $3 etc

Variable output:

1. Simply use echo $VARIABLE to get the value
2. Use printf to get the formatted value
  • %s: string
  • %f: float
  • %d: integer
  • -: left align , + : right align

Array variables.

1.Declare an array variables:

ARRAY=(element1 element2 elment3)

2. Get the value of the Array by index

3. Tricky tips:
How to get the length of the array ${#ARRAY[*]}
How to copy the array: NEWARRAY=(“${ARRAY[@]}”)

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